I need to send this by certified mail. 我要把这以保证邮件发送。
ABC may terminate this Agreement by giving Customer ten ( 10) days notice by certified mail if Customer defaults in its payment to ABC. 如果客户不履行合同,没有支付ABC有关费用,ABC将通过带回执的信函通知客户终止合同。
You can't send a letter overseas by certified mail. If you want, you can register it. 海外信件不能寄保寄。如果愿意,你可以寄挂号信。
ZAP Jonway recommends that the proposals be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. 永源ZAP公司建议,建议书由保证邮件信发出,要求回执。
Certified mail protocol is fair exchange of a message M for a receipt. 认证邮件协议,指一个发送方要将消息M与收方收到的证据进行交换的协议。
The disadvantage analysis and improvement advice of a certified mail protocol 一个挂号邮件协议的缺陷分析和改进
In this paper, we analyze the security requirements of certified electronic mail and show that the traditional protocols based on simultaneous secret exchange are not suitable in the electronic mailing system at present, then we present a protocol based on the participation of a trusted third party. 分析了电子保证邮件的安全要求,并说明传统的基于同时秘密传送的协议不能适用于当前的电子邮件系统,接着提出了一个基于可信第三方的电子保证邮件协议。